Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Many Olivia Hashtags

I thought I would share some of our Instagram hashtags on here because we have soo many now. It's pretty bad that there are so many I have trouble remembering them. But, it's pretty fun that you can follow some of them on Instagram.

I created #babyarmas when she was born and we posted quite a bit with that hashtag, but eventually some other people's photos ended up mixed in. Once she was older, we made a new one.

So, from there we made #Oliviasloan. We still use this one for all of Livi's photos and I LOVE looking back at all of them. She's changed so much over the years and has gone through so much, there is a lot to look at.

#whatoliviasloansays is hilarious! 

#Oliviasloansleeps is a good one too. She still sleeps the same way she did when she was a baby and most of the time she sleeps with her arms up. 

Seriously though! So precious and look at those eyelashes. <3

If you know Olivia, you know how sassy she can be and you know ALL of her many facial expressions. In order to save them all in our memory, we added the #themanyfacesofoliviasloan hashtag to all of those special photos. Go check out her silliness! 

Another favorite is #oliviasloanposes. She's quite a little princess. <3

There was also #oliviasloandances for the few months that she was in dance class. I probably need to add to this one because homegirl loves to dance and I know theres other videos I've shared. 

There are lots of birthday related ones, but not a lot of photos in them. #oliviasloanturnsone, #oliviasloanturns2, and #oliviasloanturnsfive.

A new one that I love is #oliviasloandoesschool. I can't wait to add photos to that one over the next few years. I'm sure she'll love looking back through those photos when she's older. 

The library has became one of our favorite places. I started sharing the books we checked out a few years ago mainly because we had no way of looking back to see what we'd read. But now, it's became one of my favorite things to do after we go to the library. Livi also enjoys looking back at all of the books we've read even though she can remember them just by looking at the cover. Check out #livibugreads

I think that's about it. It's possible I've forgotten one or two, but these are all of the main ones. I hope you enjoy looking back at our Livi bug. <3

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