When we started searching for breast pumps I was clueless. Not only was I unsure where to start, but I wasn't even sure then if I would be able to breastfeed. I knew that I had always wanted to try, but wasn't sure how successful I would be.
Olivia never latched good and ended up only being able to nurse on one side. She will nurse on both, but she gets super fussy after awhile. So, I have been pumping A LOT!
We were lucky enough to have a breast pump donated to us from my cousin. It had been passed to her from one of her friends. I was using the
Medela Pump In Style. Prior to having Olivia I contacted our insurance regarding a free pump. At the time they stated I was not eligible unless I was having breastfeeding problems. Since I had not had Olivia yet I was unable to get one before hand. I used this pump from January up until two weeks ago. I didn't really have any issues with it except it was VERY noisy and the suction had started to slow. Another disadvantage was that I didn't have a bag to carry it in. So, I just shoved it in a green bag with bottles, accessories, and a cooler bag. I need a good on-the-go breast pump.

So after talking to some other mama's on my Instagram who had got free pumps through their insurance, I decided to try again. I contacted Avmed and they told me what was required to have one sent to me. They said I would need to have a Rx faxed from my doctor with the diagnosis code "Breastfeeding" on it as well as some insurance information and office notes. Everything was faxed within two hours. I heard back from my insurance within three hours and it was shipped out the same day. I was told I would receive a
Spectra pump. After researching it and reading reviews I was excited to try a new one. I actually received a
Medela Personal Advanced Double Pump. A new pump..is a new pump! I was super excited to try it out.
I'm already super spoiled with this pump. I was used to spending 15-30 minutes pumping altogether. The double pump function did not work on my old pump so I had to pump each side separately. Being able to pump both at one time it takes about 6 minutes. Now I have more time to get other stuff done. Another awesome thing that I like is that the pump, cooler section, and accessory space is all in one bag. No more carrying around multiple bags. Not only does this make me happy, but it's so much more quiet. The noise was a big concern for me if and when I went back to work and was still nursing.
It may not be some fancy hospital grade pump. But, as long as it works good and I'm able to get a good amount of milk, I'm happy girl. Pair this up with the
Medela Accessory Kit and some
storage bags and you're good to go.
i just got a medela! im excited to try it out.