Friday, January 23, 2015

Olivia's 11 Month Update

Our beautiful girl is 11 months! I'm so sad its gone by too fast! She is the sweetest thing. If she's not being sweet and blowing kisses then she's being silly and trying to make you laugh somehow. Lately, she's started showing a bit of sass. She hates getting her diaper changed and getting dressed. Also, if your just doing something she doesn't like she's sure to let you know somehow.

At her appointment on the 20th, she weighed 26.7 pounds and was 27 inches long. Yes, she has her daddy's height. She is currently wearing 24 months pants and 24 months-3T shirts. Poor girl's pants are all too long for her, but we are making them work.

She has got pretty picky eating lately. It's hard to say what she will eat when I make her food. For now some of her favorites are scrambled eggs, meat balls, chicken, watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries. She is drinking formula more than breast milk. I have been trying to pump less so I'll stop making milk, but it's been hard. She have tried to mix some whole milk in with both, but she drinks some then loses interest.

She recently started pulling up on furniture again. She LOVES bath time! Especially, when it's a "bubble bath" She is always blowing kisses. She kisses her baby dolls and hugs them when you tell her to give them love. We call her Miss Destructive because she also enjoys pulling all her toys in and out of her toy box and book shelf. She still likes watching Curious George, Daniel Tiger, Olivia the Pig, and Little Pim is her new favorite.

This month we celebrated my birthday. We went to Red Lobster. She is so well behaved and eats amazing when we take her out. We have to be careful where we take her and make sure no one around is coughing or getting in her space. Since she has a suppressed immune system, we have had to miss out on birthday gatherings with friends and family.

We are just soaking up all the time we can with her before she is a one year old. It's creeping up fast on us fast. I am trying to finish all of her birthday decorations and will post pictures from her party.

Always sticking her tongue out. 
Checking on her baby dolls and throwing them out of their doll bed.
Being silly!