Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Summer Of Doctor Appointments

I feel like all we've been doing lately is going to the doctor. When Olivia was diagnosed, I just thought she'd be seeing a rheumatologist. Our sweet girl has seen a cardiologist, an allergist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease, and an ophthalmologist. It's possible I forgot one or two.

We have been tapering Olivia's steroids down weekly by 1 ml. So, every Friday we load up and head to Shands for blood work. If her labs are good, then we get to go down. But, last week her fibrinogen was low, so we didn't get to taper. On Monday she saw GI for the first time. The plan was to discuss a fecal transplant for her c-diff. She's been battling it off and on for about two years. Anytime she is put on antibiotics, it usually causes c-diff. She had it so bad back in October that she had blood in her stool for close to a month. Because she had lost so much blood, her hemoglobin levels were down so in turn we had to make sure she was getting a good dose of iron in her vitamins. Back to her GI appointment- we decided no fecal transplant at the moment. She really hasn't had a chance to get off of vancomycin because she's been hospitalized each time she's been on it. So, the goal is to taper her off the vancomycin and see how she does with that. It'll take 6-8 weeks to do that unless she gets any diarrhea, then we'll have to slow the taper. Once she's off vancomycin, the plan is to do Flex Sigmoidoscopy procedure to see if there is c-diff present in the colon. They also want to do a small biopsy and check for colitis and any signs of IBS. Hoping there is none of that!

I never posted about her last few hospital stay. She was hospitalized first a few days before our Siesta Key trip for cellulitis. She got a few days worth of antibiotics and we were given the okay to go on our vacay. She did fine while we were at the beach and her feet looked much better after soaking them in salt water for a few days. Three days after we were home she started having daily fevers. She saw infectious disease on June 6th and she developed a rash at that appointment. We called her rheumatologist and ended up going for labs after leaving her ID appointment. Her labs were elevated and her appetite had decreased, so they decided to admit her to the hospital. During her stay she was given daily shots of Anakinra and IV steroids to help control the rash and fever and to help her get better. Her fever stopped after the first day being there, but her rash stuck around a few more days. Some of the labs we look at when she is flaring is Ferritin, Sed rate, CRP, Liver enzymes (AST and ALT), Fibrinogen, Platelets, and WBC. It was a horrible rash and it was itchy, which isn't like other rashes she's had. She hasn't ever had a rash while being on ilaris, so we weren't sure what to expect. Since she didn't sleep a lot at night because of the itching and steroids, she would sleep all day. Hospital stays are never fun. But, once her labs started trending down and she was eating better, they had said we could go home. She had to go home on oral steroids and that is what we are still tapering down.

We haven't done too much this summer after our beach trip. We've been a little nervous about taking her out in the sun for an extended amount of time. One of her prescriptions says to limit sun exposure. The mosquitos have also been terrible with all of the rain. They love to bite her, so we have to spray her down when she does make it outside to play. Disney movies, library trips, cousin playdates, and lots of coloring is all we know right now.

Even though I'm not ready, Livi will be starting some Pre-k stuff in a few weeks. We'll be doing it at home since she is immune compromised. I have quite a few books. I just need to get her a desk, make a plan, and organize everything. Sounds like a lot and it is! We'll see how it goes. It'll be interesting for sure because she only wants to work on school related stuff for about 10 minutes right now. Let me know if you have any ideas on keeping a 4.5 year old entertained with school stuff. I need all your ideas!

Other than all her doctor appointments, I've been working on a Facebook Group page for Olivia. I was updating my facebook and tagging Dannie in the posts. But, I thought a group page would help keep it all in one space and she can take over it when she's old enough. With all of the bills that have been coming in, we started a small fundraiser. We've been selling wristbands to help raise awareness and help with some of our bills. We are super thankful for everyone that has helped out so far! :)

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