Unfortunately when she was hospitalized, I fell behind on pumping, so she is on formula now. Still pumping, but she isn't getting near what she was. We try to give her as much solid food as we can now since it keeps her more full. She eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner with us. Breakfast is always oatmeal usually since we can mix her meds in with it. She LOVES meat (chicken, turkey sausage, and meatballs.)
She just keeps getting more silly each day! She is ALWAYS making us laugh. We say she's going to be a little class clown, but her daddy says that got him in trouble. She wakes up every 2-3 hours now since being on steroids. We started co-sleeping because it was easier every time she'd wake up. She wouldn't always fall back asleep, but being with us, she does. Probably a bad habit we started, but it works.
Loves: Scrambled eggs, Curious George, making people laugh, puffs, going outside, her new sit-and-ride elephant and dino, and pulling her blocks apart after we build something. Dislikes: Going to the doctor, baths, and wearing clothes. She says: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Woah, Yay, Mama, and Dada.
Napping in her toys. |
When we left the hospital she was very clingy to her mama. She's getting better with that and loves going to her daddy more. Dannie pulls her around on her dino and she smiles so big! She also thinks its funny to beat up on daddy.
It's been hard to find presents for her because we want to find stuff she will actually play with and enjoy. We got her some clothes since she's going through them so quick. She's currently wearing 18-24 months since being on steroids. Once she's off of them, she will lose her puffiness. She got some new wooden alphabet blocks, a Curious George stuffed animal, some books, the sit-and-ride elephant (which I gave to her already!), a pull along elephant toy, and a foam floor puzzle mat. It's really hard to buy for her age because she's not into a specific thing.
I've also started buying decorations for her First Birthday. Colors are going to be dark purple and gold. Gold is my obsession right now and her daddy liked the purple because it was one of our wedding colors. Next, I need to find some invitations. It will be a family party with a few close friends. Nothing extravagant or huge because she has a suppressed immune system.
Christmas 2014. |
We really loving her personality right now and love seeing her do new things!