February wasn't near as busy as January was. But, we still seemed to get quite a bit done. I have been wanting to re-do Livi's kitchen for YEARS and finally got the nerve to do it. I think she got her kitchen when she was 2 years old. It came from Cracker Barrel and she had eyed it for a few months before my parents got it for her. After searching Pinterest for weeks and trying to figure out colors, I finally decided on white and gold. My original plan was to do peel and stick subway tiles for the back splash, but I couldn't pass up the vinyl stickers from Target. I think they were $5 for 4 sheets. I was able to stick them to a poster board and then I nailed the poster board to the back of the kitchen. After MULTIPLE coats of chalk paint, it was finally done. It was interesting figuring out what went where since I didn't label anything when I took it apart. That's how I roll. Basically, take it apart and figure it out later. Anyway, it turned out so cute and we ended up putting it in her playhouse.

We also started adding plexiglass windows to Liv's playhouse. The pollen was so bad she couldn't even use her playhouse until we added them. Right now theres three in there and we still need to add two more. They aren't perfect windows, but they work and keep the rain and pollen out.
We spent lots of time outside. Livi was getting used to her scooter and after a few weeks of riding it a blister came up on her foot. It took a few weeks to go away. We sent photos to her docs at Shands and we took her to the pediatrician. We never really found out what it was. It's possible it was a blister, but it took two weeks to pop. We had to do foot soaks and it hurt to walk on. After a few weeks off her scooter it finally popped and she was able to scooter again. That was her only concern and she was afraid she'd forget hot to do it.
On Valentine's day we ordered take-out from Outback. We don't usually go to dinner on V-day anyway because it's so busy. But, with covid and everyone ordering take-out more it was pretty fast to pick-up and all. It was delicious, as always. We let Olivia decorate the table for us. <3
School work continued. But, Olivia had finished Social Studies early so we were just working on Language Arts, Math, and Science.
We fit in a play-date with Peyton one day and got to visit my mamas chickens.
Here's some of Olivia's artwork. One day we set up a doctor's office with some printables I found online.
Once the weather was warmer we took a field trip to Backroad Berries to pick some strawberries. It was fun and the farm was so pretty, but we were done within 15 minutes. I'm not sure that we will do it again next year. We're currently counting down the days until we can go pick blueberries at The Red, White, and Blue farm in Williston. It's beautiful there and the berries are the best we've ever had.
Thanks for following along on our monthly posts. Next up is March. Eventually, I'll be caught up and then I might go to weekly posts. <3